The good work that Momentum Cloud is doing was further highlighted by a visit from the Governor General of New South Wales, David Hurley accompanied by his wife, Mrs Hurley at Tathra Public School.
Momentum Cloud has been working closely as the technology partner of the MGoals initiative. This initiative is a free program that supports Aboriginal culture and education by providing local Aboriginal communities and schools with an online website building project and an online learning environment where students create their goals for living and learning.
Students and parents using the MGoals online learning environment are able to transition their learning events from year to year, teacher to teacher, school to school using the Momentum Cloud's single sign-on credentials. In addition, parents and students have the ability to be provided with their learning records (created whilst using MGoals) when they are transitioning out of the MGoals initiative to their next learning environment.
It was an uplifting day with local Elder Uncle Graham Moore performing a traditional welcome in language and a smoking ceremony for the Governor General and Mrs Hurley. Uncle Graham Moore also kindly showed everyone around the school grounds, highlighting bush tucker and the newly created storytelling circle.
The esteemed visitors then saw MGoals in practice, with Margaret Taylor, a teacher at the school conducting a goal setting conversation with Gjumurrah, a Year 5 student.
Gjumurrah impressed everyone with her ability to demonstrate her goals and aspirations. She received enthusiastic support from both the Governor General and Mrs Hurley, further motivating her to achieve her goal.