The MGoals initiative is a free program that supports Aboriginal culture and education by providing local Aboriginal communities and schools with an online website building project and an online learning environment where students create their goals for living and learning.
Momentum Cloud is incredibly proud to have played a foundational role with its partners, the NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group along with support of the Federal government, in bringing the MGoals initiative to life.
During the course of 2016, the stewardship of the MGoals initiative will be transitioned to the Burraga Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation. The Burraga Foundation with its independent Board will ensure that the MGoals initiative is governed, managed and run hand-in-hand with Aboriginal people.
Federal funding will be provided for the program via the Indigenous Advancement Strategy through to 2017 in partnership with Corporate Connections.
*Corporate Connections is a consultancy specialising in organisational and community change, leadership development, team and community connectivity.
Please note that the term Aboriginal has been used within this story as it acknowledges Momentum Cloud’s consultation with the NSW AECG and their preferred use of the word Aboriginal when identifying Aboriginal people within NSW. Please also note the MGoals initiative is currently a NSW based initiative.