The NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (NSW AECG Inc.) is a not-for-profit Aboriginal organisation that provides advice on all matters relevant to education and training, with a mandate that this advice represents the Aboriginal community viewpoint. NSW AECG Inc. promotes respect, empowerment and self-determination and believes the process of collaborative consultation is integral to equal partnership and is fundamental to the achievement of equality.
NSW AECG Inc. advocates cultural affirmation, integrity and the pursuit of equality to ensure that the unique and diverse identity of Aboriginal students is recognised and valued. The NSW AECG Inc. plays an integral role in connecting to and consulting around Aboriginal Culture and Education at a local, state and federal level.
Momentum Cloud is proud to have the full endorsement and partnership of the NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group for the MGoals initiative.
The MGoals initiative is a free program that supports Aboriginal culture and education by providing local Aboriginal communities and schools with an online website building project and an online learning environment where students create their goals for living and learning.
The partnership enabled Momentum Cloud to seek consultation to all matters pertaining to Aboriginal education and cultural affairs. This consultative process was key in ensuring that cultural protocols were respected and adhered to, resulting in the ongoing success of the MGoals initiative.
Momentum Cloud is ever grateful to the NSW AECG Inc. for its commitment and ongoing work in support of improving the inequities and positive outcomes of Aboriginal students, whilst building a greater understating of Aboriginal Australia for all Australians.